How to Have a Green Holiday

Travel is not just costly in a financial sense; it is also costly for the environment. From planes, trains and automobiles to lavish hotels washing hundreds of towels a day going on holiday has a big impact on the size of your carbon footprint.
Although nobody plans to give up their holidays to protect the environment, we can also make environmentally friendly choices that can allow us to enjoy our holidays with the peace of mind that we are not greatly negatively impacting the environment. Here are a few tips on how to have a green holiday.
Ditch the hotel
Although many hotels are trying to go green, in general they are still very wasteful. Lights are left on throughout the hotel, towels and sheets are washed on hot washes on a daily basis and things that aren’t used by guests during their stay are thrown away rather then recycled. This is generally in the interests of hygiene, but the result is a huge consumption of energy and lots of rubbish sent to landfill. Instead of staying in a hotel stay in a caravan instead. A caravan is your own little haven of peace and quiet. Caravan holidays UK represent great value for money and this low-impact way of holidaying is good for the environment too. Caravans consume little energy and you can control just how much energy you use during your stay. Park Resorts has a range of caravan holidays UK throughout the country with very low prices.
Holiday at ‘home’
In addition the direct environmental benefits staying in a caravan or tent, with a caravan holiday UK you won’t need to board a plane and if you swap your car for bus or train you are saving even more energy and nasty, dirty carbon dioxide emissions. Per person cars and planes are the most toxic and environmentally degrading forms of transport, so the more you can avoid using them, the better. If you take bikes, you’ll be able to travel around the local area using the most eco-friendly form of transport besides walking.
Look for eco-friendly resorts
If you do have decide to travel overseas, look for eco-friendly, sustainable resorts that work to lower their impact on the environment. For example, choose hotels that don’t clean rooms and wash sheets everyday of your stay – they just do it when you check out. Find hotels that are working to minimise their paper trail and prefer to do everything via computer instead and check that the hotel in question is using energy saving light bulbs.
Tidy up
Never leave litter. Ever. If there is no rubbish bin take your rubbish back with you so you can find somewhere to dispose of it properly.
Support local communities
Wherever possible support local communities and projects that aim to build a sustainable local environment. Seek out projects that work to keep the environment clean, protect wildlife and natural parks and educate local communities and tourists on the benefits of going green.