Five Reasons People Want to Move Abroad

There are numerous reasons why one would choose to set up home abroad, either in a new country close by, or even across the world in a new continent. However, when asked, most ex-pats will give the same few reasons over and over as to the reasoning behind their move.
Here are the most common answers:
- Better weather
- More working opportunities
- Improved quality of life
- Retirement
- Lower costs of living
Now while some might quite prefer the damp UK weather or the long winters of Northern Europe, there are many out there who would like to see the sun just a touch more during the year.
With Spain, Italy and Australia being some of the most popular relocation destinations for many British ex-pats, its clear that weather is a determining factor. This is especially true for retirees, in places like the United States; many retirees will spend all or at least the winter months in warmer places like Florida or Arizona.
A higher quality of life is also an important factor for many. Working from home, or remote office work is becoming quite commonplace, so moving to a location where the hustle and bustle of life has been replaced with family or relaxation time is very popular. And the same is true for those who are looking to go out on their own and start a new business.
Everyone knows that the US is an expensive place to live, but at the same time the pound travels quite far in relation to many other currencies. For those who can take the opportunity to work in a country where the cost of living is far cheaper, money will go much further. In many spots in Southeast Asia, for example, an income of only $1,000 per month can place one in the lap of luxury.
Given the reasons, it’s not surprising to see why so many people are moving abroad with their families, or simply going off in search of new opportunities and experiences, now it is easier than ever.
In this global world that is only an email or Skype chat away, more and more people can move away from their home countries. And quite a few are jumping at the chance.
What do you think? Would you consider moving and living in a different country? Add your comments and share your opinions using the form below.